Community Impact – Grounding Customer Experience in Equity and Justice

Utilities are vital to the communities they serve. As focus on decarbonization and environmental justice grows across the industry, utilities find themselves at the center of the conversation. Join us to learn how investing in equitable customer experiences can strengthen communities, develop stronger relationships with customers, and drive meaningful results to the business.


José Gonçalves, Manager Energy Efficiency – Income Qualified and Education, DTE

José Gonçalves is a Manager at DTE Energy where he oversees residential, income qualified and education energy efficiency programs. José has over 10 years’ experience in the energy efficiency industry developing, administering, and implementing solutions and programs for residential customers.

Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez, Director of Behavioral Science and Customer Insights,  ICF

Dr. Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez is internationally recognized for her work on the human dimensions of energy efficiency, conservation, and environmental sustainability. With more than 20 years of experience working as a consultant, program manager and researcher (both quantitative and qualitative), Karen worked with policymakers, planners, real estate professionals, utilities, governmental bodies, and nonprofit organizations to design, enhance and evaluate the performance of programs that shift energy use practices, reduce energy consumption and eliminate energy waste in homes and commercial buildings in the U.S. and abroad.


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